Zombie Roommate is a children’s television program and Comic book.

Zombie Roommate (The Show)

Zombie Roommate is a throwback sitcom to the earlier and beloved era of the late 80s and early 90s television. The quirky series stars Kevin: a Zombie. His roommate Carl: a human. Their third roommate Grover Cleveland: a dog that can talk, and their obnoxious neighbor: Mavis: who always seems to pop up whether invited or not. We follow the antics of Kevin, Grover, and Carl as they deal with issues like food poisoning, fame, saying goodbye, and bigotry. Despite the silliness and the goofball nature of the show, each episode wraps up with a small lesson about life and friendship. 

Zombie Roommate Trailer


(The Comicbook)

Excerpt: “The Space Command Center in Space" from Zombie Roommate comic #1


Kids These Days Comedy (Sketch Comedy Group)